Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Matchstick Puzzle #4

Move 3 sticks to form 3 squares

Friday, September 5, 2008

Angle Illusion

Since we will be touching on angles real soon, here's some picture of how angles can affect our visual judgement. Angles is useful in many different ways: designing the exterior of buildings, planning the interior design and even in photography.

Inner Angle

Which angle of the inner "V" is smaller?

Judd Illusion

Is the red dot closer to the left or to the right?

Ponzo Illusion

Which vertical strip is longer?

Muller-Lyer Illusion

Which horizontal line is longer? The red or the green?

Inner Angle: The angles of both inner "V" are the same.
Judd Illusion: The red dot is exactly in the centre.
Ponzo Illusion: They are both the same size.
Muller-Lyer Illusion: Both horizontal lines are of the same length.

Pictures from: http://www.wyrmcorp.com/galleries/illusions/angles.shtml

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A puzzle to tickle the brain

Hello Children,

Hope you are making full use of the holidays. Mr Brainy (waving to you on the right) was just thinking of a matchstick puzzle that a family friend used - to entertain him many years ago. He is opening this puzzle to all in 3G06 and Ms Goh will give a prize to anyone who can come up with the solution on Monday, 8 September 2008. If you are not allowed access to matchsticks, you can always use toothpicks, satay sticks or ice cream sticks (clean ones, of course!) to replace.

This is what you have to do: -

1) Use 8 sticks to form the shape of the fish on your left (in the picture provided below).
2) You may move only 2 sticks to form the fish on the right (in the picture below).

Have Fun!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Teachers' Day - A Heartwarming Day

Thank You!
To all the children of 3G06, thank you for making Teachers' Day 2008 a wonderful day as well as a day to remember that it's all worth the while. Thank you for all your cards, notes, poems and gifts! :) I want you to know that the time and effort you have taken to create/get/wrap them is very much appreciated.
I like all of them as it is not the size or price of the gift, but the thought that really counts. Not only is it encouraging to read your words of appreciation, it is also motivating to know that you wish to learn more. Through your cards and notes, it is touching to know that some young hearts' have been mended and influenced in the right way.
Here's a picture of the presents I have received - to share with all of you, my experience of Teachers' Day with 3G06 - a heartwarming one.

Monday, July 28, 2008

English - Jungle Adventure

An endangered species - The California Condor


Watch as the condor cruises beautifully

Observe how the wolves lope as they 'run'.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Optical Illusion

Keep in mind that this is a static image. It is not animated in any way. However, as your vision moves back and forth, the middle area will seem to move towards the centre (contracting) and the outer edges will seem to be move away (expanding) from the centre. Also worth noting - if you fixate on a point in the centre and not move your eyes this anomalous motion will stop.
Sea Sickness
(Update: the web seems to have named this"The Purple Nurple Optical Illusion")
Walter Anthony(c)2007